Driving Efficiencies through your Nurse Call System

When choosing a nurse call system, there are many considerations one should think of in advance when considering the medium and long term paybacks.

One front, there are those elements that are obvious such as having the option of speech between areas to save on unnecessary wasted trips between floors, but also time saving reminder apps that with a press of a button can remind your typically busy staff of everyday repetitive tasks that they need to perform.

On the other hand, it’s important to choose a system that’s easy to alter when necessary. An example would be easy to swap-out interchangeable nurse call room plates make any future upgrades easy. For example – changing a plate from a single button to a two button unit should only require a change of the front plate.

Then there are other features which really deliver a payback by preventing issues arising in the first place. A classic example of this would be intelligent acoustic monitoring raise a call once set noise thresholds have been reached for given periods. In simple terms, it will alert your care managers to someone trying to get out of bed or calling out in pain before they do so – Much better to nip the problem in the bud than manage the aftermath of potential falls with all of the wasted time, cost and safety concerns that this may arise to.

By employing this automatic intelligent room monitoring, it would also save your organization the cost of regular staff night visits too – which in the course of a year could add up to many thousands of pounds. This kind of payback feature reduces staff visits, prevent falls and improve cares quite quickly.